16 December 2008

Wow, What a day!

My first day as a blogger is coming to a close. As expected, I feel the same. Accomplishments for the day:

I learned that "mind" is ebonics for "mine". I guess it's really ebonics for "mines" which is ebonics for "mine". It's a little confusing I need to axe someone who is an authority on it.

My favorite lunch restaurant for Fried Shrimp closed without notice. The bone heads directed me to their other two restaurants which are three freeways and a tank of gas away. I guess I shouldn't have stolen all of their cups.

My desired substitute restaurant across the street from the newly closed one doesn't open until 4:00 in the evening. That doesn't work for lunch. How the hell can you have a restaurant open for Dinner only? I thought restaurants were the hardest business to succeed in and then these clowns are going to make it by serving only one meal a day?

I ended up at the IHOP and the waitress had a full set of teeth and none of them pointed in the same direction. I expect that from a Waffle House, not from an IHOP.

I received a Calendar from an IT company today. It was pure Cheese. I sent a response back to my sales lady (and I use that term loosely) who in turn distributed throughout the company. It's been fairly well received and I'm waiting for movie offers to come in.

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